
Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Get Writing!

Get New Zealand Writing 2017:   
School Kit Writing Project

Room 5 participated in the NZ Schools School Kit Writing Project

We learnt about metaphor's and used them on our postcard for our partner school, and wrote about our classroom and school. It was a lot of fun. 

Take a look at what we did:

Making Bread!


Room 5 have read the big book 'Bread'. After researching about different types of breads and all of the processes making bread, we decided to make our own bread in the classroom.

Amanda brought in her bread maker from home and we used our maths measuring skills to measure out the ingredients needed for our loaf.

After 3 1/2 hours, a lot of excitement and yummy smells, our loaf was ready to eat. We all got a big slice and buttered it just in time for lunch.

Room 5 did some lovely recount writing to retell their experience!

Check out our Reading Experience Below! 😎



Here is what we have been up to in SPORTS - 
Counties Manukau Sports have come and spent time with us teaching Room 5 sports using ball skills. 

Check out the action shots Amanda took of us:



WALT: We are learning about ANZAC Day in the classroom, Room 5 will create a Poster representing the Poppies of Flanders Fields. 

Lovely Art Work Ruma 5! Well done! 😊

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

We are using Chromebooks in the classroom for learning

Kia Ora! 

Room 5 has introduced Chromebooks into their classroom. 

We have completed our first Chromebook task this week - Term 2 Learning Goals 

WALT: Create a slide presentation, Choosing suitable fonts and backgrounds, Copy & Pasting, Creating a text box effectively and Taking a Screenshot of Ourselves. 

Room 5 has also practiced critiquing other students work - by encouraging them using positive comments and then giving constructive feedback on what the can change to make their slide better.